ECAI, the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, is Europe’s premier AI research venue. We are pleased to host the 27th edition of this conference in person, in Santiago de Compostela, a city which has been for centuries the destination of pilgrims and travellers from all over Europe. ECAI-2024 will feature, as usual, a full programme of technical papers, as well as many AI-related events of interest to researchers, students and industry professionals. This includes workshops and tutorials, invited talks, special sessions, as well as ECAI’s sister conference on AI applications (PAIS).
The conference is organised by the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) and the Spanish Artificial Intelligence Society (AEPIA) and it is hosted by CiTIUS, the Research Centre on Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Although the first conference to be labelled “European Conference on AI” was ECAI-1982 held in Orsay near Paris, the European AI community has traditionally considered the first four biennial Conferences on Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (Brighton 1974, Edinburgh 1976, Hamburg 1978 and Amsterdam 1980) as “European Conferences on AI.” This is why we celebrate in 2024 in Santiago de Compostela, with the 27th ECAI, 50 years of European Conferences on AI and this is the motivation for ECAI 2024 motto: "Celebrating the past. Inspiring the future".
To find out more about the history of ECAI, please visit the EurAI website.