19-24 OCTOBER 2024
Santiago de Compostela

We are social:

Call for Demo Papers

We invite all members of the international AI community to consider submitting a demo for presentation at the conference and inclusion in the proceedings.

The main objective of demo papers is to disseminate recent advances in AI within either academic or industrial settings, highlighting their practical or theoretical relevance to AI challenges. We highly value innovative research approaches and frameworks that have the potential to make a substantial impact in real-world applications and society.

We are interested in a wide range of demonstrations, which include but are not limited to:

  • Systems that employ different AI techniques in real-world applications across domains like energy, healthcare, transportation, robotics, and more;

  • Systems designed to facilitate the advancement of new AI techniques tailored to specific real-life applications or educational tools, including simulation environments and development tools;

  • Systems that focus on curating and extending benchmarks for specific research topics in any field of AI (e.g., Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Multiagent Systems, Machine Learning, Planning, or Robotics), along with the provision of evaluation mechanisms.

Important Dates

  • Submission site opening:

  • Submission deadline:

  • Author notification:

  • Early registration deadline:

  • Camera-ready deadline:

  • Final video submission deadline:

All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).

Submission Instructions

Each demo submission should consist of a short demo paper, a video, and a requirements document. Please note that the total size of each submission is limited to 100MB.

Demo papers must be written in English, be prepared for single-blind review using the ECAI LaTeX template, and not exceed 3 pages (plus at most 1 extra page for references). The paper should clearly describe the underlying problem setting/system/tool to be demonstrated by referring to the architecture/technology/innovations used for the development.

ECAI LaTeX template

Excessive use of typesetting tricks to make things fit is not permitted. Please do not modify the style files or layout parameters.

The video should be at most 5 minutes long, should be subtitled, and should be playable on QuickTime. Instead of uploading the video, authors may prefer to include a link in their paper to their video (on YouTube or a similar service). The video should briefly introduce the concept/system, specify the aim of the demo by referring to the target audience, discuss the main distinguishing features and benefits, overview the architecture or technologies used for the development, and display an execution of the system. The videos accompanying the accepted demo papers will be displayed during breaks at the conference (most likely without sound) to increase the publicity of the chosen demos.

The requirements document (in PDF) should state the technical requirements for the demo and provide a detailed plan for the demo. Organisers will do their best but cannot promise to meet all of the listed requirements.

Only the demo paper itself will get published by ECAI. Please do not leave things to the very last moment; you can resubmit any number of times until the submission deadline.

ECAI EasyChair Site for the Demo Track

Ethics Statement

Research reported at ECAI should avoid harm, be honest and trustworthy, fair and non-discriminatory, and respect privacy and intellectual property. Where relevant, authors can include in the main body of their paper, or on the reference page, a short ethics statement that addresses ethical issues regarding the research being reported and the broader ethical impact of the work.

Reviewers will be asked to flag possible violations of relevant ethical principles. Such flagged submissions will be reviewed by a senior member of the programme committee.

Authors may be required to revise their paper to include a discussion of possible ethical concerns and their mitigation.


ECAI subscribes to the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. By submitting to ECAI you confirm that you are aware of and accept the following specific policies:

  • Originality: Demo papers must not have substantial overlap with previously published work (including previous publications on the same demo). Papers at workshops without archival proceedings and preprints are fine.

  • Authorship: All individuals, and only those, who have made significant contributions to a demo should be listed as authors in the submission system. We will not permit adding or removing authors to a paper after the submission deadline. Please also ensure that the order of authors is correct at submission time.

  • Generative AI: The use of AI systems to generate text for inclusion in an ECAI submission is only allowed if its role is properly documented in the manuscript (e.g., when reporting on experiments on such systems). However, the use of AI-powered systems to assist with the polishing of human-authored text is permissible.

  • Purchasing extra pages: Authors of accepted papers may purchase an extra page in the proceedings, for a price of EUR 250. This is not intended to be used to add significant material that has not been reviewed but to allow authors to account for reviewer suggestions. The extra income generated in this manner will get channelled back into the community through travel grants and the like.

  • Attendance: At least one author of each accepted demo paper must register for the conference by the early registration deadline with the intention of presenting the demo at the conference. This is a prerequisite for inclusion in the proceedings.


In case of questions, please contact the demo chair, Reyhan Aydoğan, at demo-chair@ecai2024.eu



Thanks to the sponsors who are already supporting ECAI2024. Together we are making Santiago de Compostela the world capital of AI during 19-24 October 2024.

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