19-24 OCTOBER 2024
Santiago de Compostela

We are social:

Call for Participation in the Doctoral Consortium

We invite PhD students working in the broad research areas covered by ECAI to participate in the Doctoral Consortium (DC) of ECAI-2024. The DC is an opportunity to meet and interact closely with other PhD students in your field. The DC also offers an opportunity to receive feedback on your work, and to get advice on managing your career.

Accepted PhD students will have the opportunity to present their work to peers attending the conference, in the form of oral and/or poster presentations. The accepted abstracts will be published on the DC website and the list of accepted PhD students will be included in the ECAI-2024 proceedings.

Besides student presentations, the DC programme will feature invited talks by established researchers in AI and a panel discussion focusing on career management.

Important Dates

  • Submission site opening:

  • Submission deadline:

  • Notification:

  • Early registration deadline:

  • Final version for DC website due:

  • Doctoral Consortium date:

All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).

Submission Instructions

Applications to the DC should be submitted as two separate PDF files:

  • Application document (max 5 pages)

    • Extended abstract (max 2 pages + 1 page of references) summarising the research problem being investigated, the specific contributions made so far, and directions for the remaining work. Please write your extended abstract keeping in mind that it will be read by a general AI audience; introduce your research motivation and approach at a level that the general ECAI audience can understand, but also include enough low-level details for experts to understand your unique contributions. Please use the ECAI 2-column format. Accepted extended abstracts will be shared online on the DC website. The ECAI-2024 proceedings will include only a list of the PhD students accepted to participate in the DC.

    • Curriculum vitae (max 2 pages). Please include a list of your publications and your planned graduation date.

  • Letter of support from your supervisor/professor (max 1 page, signed and on official letterhead), confirming that they support your application to the DC and explaining why they believe that this is the right moment for you to attend the DC. A detailed letter of recommendation is neither required nor expected. Please submit this letter as supplementary material through EasyChair.

Please submit your application package here:

ECAI EasyChair Site for the Doctoral Consortium

Travel Grants

A limited number of travel grants will be available from EurAI. Please check the EurAI Student Travel Grant page for details.


Check the ECAI-2024 Doctoral Consortium website for updated information and a list of PC members. In case of questions, please contact the DC chairs, Fernando P. Santos and Anaëlle Wilczynski, at dc-chairs@ecai2024.eu



Thanks to the sponsors who are already supporting ECAI2024. Together we are making Santiago de Compostela the world capital of AI during 19-24 October 2024.

Main Partners

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Institutional Sponsorships

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